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This chapter contains specifications for frames, windows and doors in wood, metal, plastic and glass, accessories, ventilation grilles, skylights, dormers, skylights and skylight hoods, roof hatches, curtain wall systems, glazing profile systems, turnstiles and sliding doors, internal company doors, service curtains, garage accessories and service doors, movable interior walls and hinges and locks. Below you will find manufacturers, suppliers and service providers who are involved in this.

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Aliplast does not outsource anything! Everything is done under one roof: from idea to mold drawing, from press pile to extrusion, from surface treatment to coating the profiles, from insulation and packaging to arranging transport to manufacturers of windows, doors, conservatories, sliding systems and curtain walls in Belgium , France, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Portugal. Because we keep everything in-house, our departments are better coordinated. We have an extremely good overview of everything that has to do with the production of profiles and accessories. In this way we reduce the cost of the production process, which benefits all parties. That is why Aliplast forms the ideal profile for you!


At ALPROKON we believe that everyone deserves a safe space. Whether you are at home, at work or visiting, we give you a carefree feeling. That is why we do everything we can to make the Netherlands safer every day.

Alprokon is the standard when it comes to safe doors, escape routes and reliable fall protection.
We have more than 50 years of knowledge and experience. And that is reflected in our products.

Alprokon likes to think along with existing and new-build projects. There are standard and custom solutions for every project. For example, in the assessment of existing construction with our MOT (Alprokon Product Inspection). Ask our specialist.

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Long-lasting embellishment of an aluminum facade or long-term protection of aluminum profiles? By anodising it at Alucol, this pure and durable material is protected against corrosion and weather influences for years to come. By choosing a pre-treatment or het adding color during anodising, aluminum becomes even more beautiful and creates natural effects! Aluminum is increasingly used. In de architecture to turn facades into eye-catchers, to make profiles more sustainable or to protect extruded parts. Alucol has two production lines. The 7.5 meter production line offers many options for anodising and coloring. In the unique anodising bath of 22 meters lang Both long profiles and special constructions can be anodised.

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In the first decades of BREEDVELD's existence, the focus was on interior construction, since the 1970s we have been the exclusive producer of mobile wall systems. The accumulated expertise is anchored in all layers of the company. BREEDVELD is proactive, service-oriented and focused down to the smallest detail. Your wishes in terms of room division form the basis of the perfectly fitting mobile wall solution that you can count on for decades. BREEDVELD gets the best out of every space.

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A conference in the afternoon, a theater performance in the evening. At the start of the day a meeting with the four of us, at the end of the day a drink with the entire department. Espero's mobile walls make much more possible. A place with more than one function and more than one atmosphere is created. With our products you can vary endlessly in function, sound insulation and appearance. One space, multiple destinations. That's Espero.

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At INTERIOR GLASSOLUTIONS we specialize in everything that has interfaces with glass systems for interior applications. For example, we offer custom solutions for sound insulation , fire resistance en ter burglary prevention. We have also amply earned our stripes with projects in which previously untrodden areas are discovered, our so-called specials.

Visit our showroom in Veenendaal for a small selection of the unlimited possibilities. And discuss without obligation what we can do for you with one of our advisers.

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Gorter® is an international company founded in 1928. Since the 1990s, Gorter has specialized in access through roofs, floors, walls and ceilings. The Gorter Group™ is now represented in Europe, Australia, Asia and the Middle East.​

Gorter® supplies complete and reliable access solutions in the form of hatches with matching climbing equipment. The components are optimally coordinated not only from a design point of view, but also from a safety point of view and certified by recognized bodies where possible. It is not for nothing that Gorter is the specialist in access through roofs, floors, walls and ceilings.

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Ambitious, distinctive and above all customer-oriented, Staka translates the wishes of its clients into high-quality stainless steel switch boxes en skylightsWith quality and reliability of paramount importance, Staka has built up a loyal customer base over the years. Our customers are active in a wide variety of industries. By continuously expanding knowledge and insight, we can offer innovative and practical solutions that fully meet changing needs.

Reliability Staka offers clients a short lead time through, among other things, expert stock management, high delivery reliability and a rock-solid price-quality ratio: both for the standard versions and our custom-made products.

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NBS specification system, work method, work types, building components, short texts, paragraphs, UAV 2012, specification book, specifications cutlery service, nlsfb, ifc, consumer file, bim, architects, specifiers, contractors, construction industry, manufacturers index, chapter structure, stabu. nbs manufacturer index, nbs manufacturer overview, nbs architect overview

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aliplast, alprokon, alucol, breedveld, espero, interior glassolutions, gorter luiken, staka, techcomlight, metaglas, boon edam, brakel wandsystemen, kosa bamboo, belned, fuhr, gealan, finstral, alku, svedex, velux, arcolux, doors orange, van deudekom, weekamp deuren, sepawand, houtindustrie ideaal, aalbers wico, aluk, bauporte, intersteel, dorma kaba, kegro deuren, hormann, record deuren, andusta, jansen, kupan, formani, dauby, duco, solarlux, albo, maasland, de rooy, forster, frits jurgens, reinaerdt, anyway doors


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