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Aabo Trading

Meet Aabo Trading ...

Aabo Trading, founded in 1987, is by far the largest independent wholesaler of roofing materials and related items in the Netherlands in terms of number of branches and number of employees. We are very proud of that. It is this unboundedness that enables us to always choose our own market approach and has ensured that we have grown into the most complete provider for everything that has to do with the roof.

Whether it concerns roof materials, fasteners, sustainable and energy-creating roof solutions, tools, roof safety or high-quality typesetting from our own setting houses: we have the materials and the knowledge in-house and in-house. Our philosophy is to be the ultimate roof partner for our customers who has everything for the roof and gives everything for the roof ...


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Address: Postbus 75

Postal Code: 6640 AB

Place: Beuningen

T: 088-9965555

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National coverage

Aabo Trading has 20 branches distributed throughout the Netherlands. From Drachten to Maastricht: there is always a branch nearby. Our branches operate autonomously and have their own field service-  and office staff. As a customer, you immediately know who you are dealing with and you have a fixed point of contact where you can go with all your questions.

Because advice is of paramount importance to us, BDA-trained employees work at every branch who know what they are talking about and can assist you with technical advice.

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Herenweg 69



T. 0297-764963

M. 06-16946451

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