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cepezed has been developing, designing and realizing buildings since 1973 that are both modern and timeless. The agency has a broad portfolio, ranging from buildings for living and working to projects for care and relaxation. We also design infrastructure and building products.

Our buildings are nice to be in; they breathe air and space. People feel both free and secure in it. Due to a high degree of flexibility and circularity, they can be used in different ways. The setup and format is often slightly different than of traditional buildings.

But they also come about differently. The layout of the buildings is logical en super efficient, minimizing material use. Prefabrication and dry assembly are the norm, as is resourceful resource management; from man hours and materials to space and finances.

Environmentally aware  bouw goes further than just using raw materials efficiently. For example, we are increasingly using bio-based and nature-inclusive elements, well-considered energy and installation concepts, and our designs are circular where possible. In addition, our buildings seamlessly blend in with their surroundings.

cepezed works with a large team of architects, construction technologists and engineers and with the business units cepezedprojects for development, cepezed construction team for the realization en cepezedinterior for the inner world of buildings; all in one dus.



The creation of our buildings requires a great deal of knowledge, skills, capacity and professionalism. With a large team of developers, architects, technologists, engineers, interior architects, construction coordinators and a supporting staff, we have everything you need.


watch the team




Address: Ezelsveldlaan 61

Zip code: 2611 RV

Place: Delft

T:  020 60 60 742

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Informative, richly illustrated and with an award-winning design, cepezed regularly publishes its own work. Often in close collaboration with publishing house for architecture, design and art nai010, but also completely in-house.


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From clients to architectural awards, from daylight applications to professional jargon and from quality striving to illustrious types in everyday building practice. cepezed partner Ronald Schleurholts discusses all kinds of themes in the stimulating columns he writes in construction newspaper Cobouw.


read the columns here


awards & nominations  

Circularity, sustainability, daylight, spatial quality, construction technology, technical innovation, special glass and steel applications, progressive building physics, stimulating environments, beautification of the cityscape, entrepreneurship. cepezed and its buildings have been praised and distinguished on a wide range of themes.


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CEPEZED - International School Almere

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