After the release of our specification system 2 years ago, and the release of our manufacturer platform nbs-bouwmaterialen.nl earlier this year, we will be publishing our first issue of the NBS magazine in the second week of September. This allows us to optimally serve the manufacturer by bringing their company and products to the attention of all parties involved from the design phase to the implementation phase of a construction project.
In the magazine we offer the manufacturer the space to highlight their projects, bring their products to the attention, or simply to present their company. Furthermore, it contains interesting articles about the NBS specification system, legislation and regulations, and the industry associations and related software companies such as the system houses that make it possible to work with the NBS specification system are also given the necessary attention.
Next week, the NBS magazine will hit the mat at more than 8000 companies, which is of course a nice exposure for the participating companies, and the magazine has such form data that it will probably remain on the table for most people for a while.
Address: Herenweg 69
Postal Code: 1433GX
Place: Kudelstaart
T: 0297-764963
E: info@nbsbestek.nl
W: www.nbsbestek.nl
Is your company not listed this time? That's a shame, let's say a missed opportunity. But there are already plans for the release of the next magazine! So if you are interested, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Because in addition to placement in our magazine, it is of course also possible to include product specifications in our specification system, or an extensive profile on NBS building materials.
Have you not yet received a copy of our magazine, but would you like to have one? Please contact us via the above telephone number or e-mail address.
You can also view the magazine here.
We wish you pleasant reading!